Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our house smells like Easter!

I love Spring. And with Spring, comes Easter. I also love Easter.

I decided to pick up some paperwhite bulbs from Summerland Gardens here in Colorado Springs about three weeks ago. It's a great gardening shop where you can find everything from plants, to jewelry, to paperwhite bulbs...the owner even keeps a rotating art gallery upstairs.

It is super easy to grow these bulbs. All you need is a pretty container, some rocks, and water. They will start growing in under a week, and flowering within two weeks. It kinda reminds me of an ant farm...but not...

The smell of paperwhites is a quintessential Easter fragrance, and it makes me very happy.





Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Perfect Day

About a year ago today, I was in the LA airport on my way back to Texas. The Super Bowl game was on every television, there was a sense of excitement in the terminal, and all I could do was try my hardest not to cry. Thirteen hours prior, Stoney and I had said goodbye in New Zealand where we met for his R&R from Afghanistan. Knowing we still had another half of the deployment was terrifying.

Today was the Super Bowl and it was a great day. Not because of the game, but rather because I got to spend the whole day with Stoney. I am thankful.

We decided to go for a drive into the mountains (Daisy went too). Our drive took us out of the Springs on highway 24, into Woodland Park, and then up to 11-Mile Canyon. We took another day trip to 11-Mile this summer when we went fly fishing. It was beautiful. I'm really going to miss CO when we move this summer. After our drive, we headed back to Woodland Park for lunch at Fiesta Mexicana, and it was really good. After that we stopped at Donut Hill just down the road for some dessert. If you live in or around Colorado Springs, you've gotta try this place. And finally, we watched the game...we mostly watched the commercials, but we were so excited when our team (as of the morning of the Super Bowl...yes, we are fairweather fans) won!






