Friday, April 3, 2009

What's going on...

So, this week Stoney graduated from the Captain's Career Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. CONGRATULATIONS BABE!!!
I would have a picture of graduation to post, BUT...I forgot my camera. My friend Amanda took quite a few pictures, so I'll try to get some from her to post in the near future.
We are beginning to wrap everything up here and are preparing for our move to Colorado Springs. Next week begins our "re-organization week." It's a pretty big deal. Most of you who know both Stoney and I, know that we aren't always the most organized people. Well, that's all changing! We have already started planning like crazy both in our personal life and with Alison Portis Photography. I am excited about what this move will mean to my business. The opportunities are endless! I've been brainstorming and have come up with some exciting new ideas...I'll keep you posted.

I have also had some nice down time this past week, SO, I have been channeling my inner William Wegman. Here are a couple fun pictures of Daisy. I'm not going to say who dressed her up, but it wasn't me. And, last time I checked, Daisy didn't have opposable thumbs. ;)





Amy Strecker said...

Those are the greatest pictures!! Daisy poses so well -- she must have some practice! :)

Annie said...

Ali, I'm telling you, this is terrific.

Jessica said...

She looks so cute!

Good luck with your move!!!

Unknown said...

I loooooove these!! Oh my gosh Daisy looks like a little model haha My favorite is the 3rd pic. William Wegman would be impressed haha

Amanda Byerly said...

Wow, Stoney has a real eye for dressing Daisy up. I love that he matched Daisy's natural skin tone ;).

Anonymous said...

Is Daisy a doberman? I can't tell for sure what she is.