Monday, August 9, 2010

This Little Piggy...

...found a new family.

I was talking to my mom this afternoon and she told me about this little guy. Apparently, he has adopted the Koehler family herd of cattle. They think something happened to his mom, and he, in turn, was adopted.

This Little Piggy got me to thinking..I am so thankful for family and friends that are excepting and loving of me for who I am. I'm not saying I'm a pig, but you know...

This one is my favorite. How cute is he?!




Thanks for the pictures, Mom.
I miss home.


Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Ali. I love it, love it ,love it. Let me know when we are all going to Texas next. I miss your mom and dad too much. Plus, Datick needs a hunting experience. Lots of love. Miss you!

Amy Strecker said...

This is the highlight of my day! I love the one with the pig and the bull/steer.

mattandpj said...

we love you little pig! another reason to go visit mrs. barbara and mr. steve. miss you guys!

kdolan said...

LOVE it! Ha ha. And, you are one amazing and beautiful piggy! So glad I was able to see you on Sat. & momma/papa pig. Thanks again for connecting me with Keri. I had a great time!

Christine Brown said...

I'm so happy to finally see the this little rascal.
What fun!